Luxo Antares is a magnifying lamp concept for the Norwegian company Glamox Luxo.

For more than 75 years Luxo has been the worldwide leader in magnification and lighting products.

My design replaces the conventional lens with the implementation of OLED (organic light-emitting diode) display technology in combination with a digital camera. One of the revolutionary properties of OLED display is its ability to be produced on a transparent material. OLED is also utilised as a source of light.

When using Antares, the display itself functions as a tablet, enabling you to zoom in and out with simple gestures of your fingers, rotating the canvas and grabbing screenshots of your work. These images is then stored on Antares' onboard memory unit.


Antares was a final deliverable in the Professional Knowledge for Industrial Designers (BA Thesis), at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, spring 2011.

Hand built prototype

Hand built prototype photo shoot. The good old days, studying industrial design. photo shoot. The good old days, studying industrial design.